Steeped in culture with a diverse natural landscape, Georgian Bay Islands National Park/ Beausoleil Island National Historic Site welcomes a diverse group of visitors. Wanting to create new visitor experiences that ensure visitors make a deep and lasting connection to this amazing place, Parks Canada hired BC Hughes to explore opportunities to “do parks differently”.
The project involved implementing Parks Canada’s nine step, evidence-based Visitor Experience Strategy process, designed to plan for visitor experience developments in a logical, as well as a creative way with an understanding of who will visit the park. The process explored the destination’s essence of place, visitor goals, target market and used these factors for conceptualize future visitor experiences that will be delivered by the park and/or its partners.
The Visitor Experience Strategy will act as a five year planning tool, from which Parks Canada can find inspiration and plan for new visitor experiences that will provide Canadians with an opportunity to create deep connections and lasting memories at Georgian Bay Islands National Park/ Beausoleil Island National Historic Site for years to come.