Seeing the need to make destinations better, Bev founded the company after working for one of the world’s best destination developers - Intrawest. Being able to plan, fabricate and sell a new destination from start to finish is, let’s just say - pretty cool. Focused on the visitor experience when developing resorts, Intrawest taught Bev that quality, animated experiences are important factors in any memorable tourism destination.
Realizing that small communities and attractions can’t afford the multi-million-dollar makeover, Bev uses her analytical skills to find solutions that work from the ground up.
A business grad from Wilfrid Laurier University, Bev achieved her designation as a Chartered Accountant before making the switch to the fun business. Make no bones about it, Bev is analytical and always looks at ideas from the feasibility perspective; a very skilled resource to have on any team.
When not strategizing, Bev can be found exploring the water, trails and snow covered hills with her family.
Contact Bev about your big idea and she’ll give you the straight goods.