This contract is between you and only you. It challenges you to be even awesomer than you already are. Consult this contract if you are faced with business decisions that make you feel nervous or scared. This contract will help you take risks and do the things that others do not have the courage or skill to do. If you stick to, and honour this contract you will be successful.
I agree with the following statements:
Just because “we have always done it that way” does not make it the right way. My goal is to create memories that people will want to share. I will take risks if it means an opportunity to be better. I will embrace unconventional, non-traditional marketing tactics. I will empower my staff to embrace the same values reflected in this contract. I will make my public washroom experience exceptional. I will not “Yell” at customers by using caps or exclamation points or bright colours. I will not use a white keyline around any letters. I will focus on the little details that are noticed by customers. I will look at each challenge as an opportunity. I want to be a leader in my respective space.
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